Live Your Best Life

Over 100,000 people in Colorado are living with blindness or serious vision difficulty. Our certified instructors offer training in Assistive Technology, Orientation and Mobility, Low Vision Training and Daily Living Skills.

No-Cost Services for Those with Vision Loss

iSight Connection’s charitable programs provide in-home and remote options for training those 60 and older who have blindness or low vision, and live in either El Paso or Teller counties in Colorado.

Living with Vision Loss Seminars

The seminar provides tips, tricks and resources for living with vision loss. Topics include Daily Living Skills, Orientation and Mobility, and Accessing Print Assistive Technology.

Assistive Technology

Support for access to digital information and content.

Orientation & Mobility

Support for moving around in the physical environment

Low Vision Training

Support for cooking, cleaning and basic communication

Daily Living Skills

Group support and community for people living with vision loss

“Tim is a good man and he is doing great work. He came over and helped me get set up and away we went! My whole life is audio, now. My computer reads me any web page I want, tells me the time and the weather, lets me listen to radio stations, and all sorts of things.”
—Ed, client – 93 years young!

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